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[알짜 영숙어] Make Up For Make Up For   The phrase "make up for" means to compensate for something that is lacking, lost, or missed, or to correct a problem or mistake. It implies taking action to balance out a deficiency or error.  Example SentencesShe brought a cake to make up for missing my birthday party.I studied extra hard to make up for the classes I missed.He worked late to make up for arriving late in the mornin..
[알짜 영숙어] Put Up With Put Up With   The phrase "put up with" means to tolerate or endure something or someone that is unpleasant or difficult without complaining.  Example SentencesShe has to put up with a lot of noise from the construction next door.I can't put up with his rude behavior any longer.They put up with the cold weather because they love living in the mountains.He puts up with a long commute to work every..
[영어 관용표현] Drop Dead Drop Dead   The phrase "drop dead" can have different meanings based on context. It can mean to die suddenly, but it is also used as a rude way to tell someone to go away or stop bothering you. Additionally, "drop-dead" can be used as an adjective to describe someone or something that is extremely attractive (e.g., "drop-dead gorgeous").  Example SentencesHe was so shocked by the news that he ne..
[알짜 영숙어] do away with do away with  The phrase "do away with" means to get rid of something, eliminate it, or stop using it. It often implies a permanent end to something.  Example SentencesThe company decided to do away with plastic packaging to help the environment.Many schools are doing away with traditional textbooks in favor of digital ones.They want to do away with outdated rules and bring in new policies.We sh..
[알짜 영숙어] As For As For  The phrase "as for" is used to introduce a topic or to shift the conversation to a new subject, often to specify or clarify a point. It can also imply a contrast or a separate consideration.  Example SentencesI love pizza. As for my brother, he prefers pasta.The meeting will start at 9 AM. As for the agenda, it will be sent out later.She is very talented in music. As for sports, she isn'..
[알짜 영숙어] hand/turn in hand/turn in  Both "hand in" and "turn in" mean to submit something, usually a piece of work, assignment, or document, to someone in authority, such as a teacher, boss, or office.  Example SentencesI need to hand in my homework by tomorrow morning.Please turn in your report to the office before the end of the day.She handed in her resignation letter to her boss last week.Make sure to turn in you..
[알짜 영숙어] look up to look up to  The phrase "look up to" means to admire or respect someone, often because of their qualities, achievements, or character. It implies that the person being looked up to is considered a role model or someone worthy of emulation.  Example SentencesI really look up to my older brother for his hard work and dedication.Many people look up to the scientist for her groundbreaking discoveries..
[과제] Is diversity in life necessary? What is the reason? "The specific life goals that people choose do not necessarily align. The direction of people's lives is determined by various factors such as differences in values based on social background, personal and social circumstances, innate abilities, and the education they can receive. Some people dedicate their entire lives to art, while others devote themselves to religion. Some spend their lives r..
[영어 관용표현] STIFF UPPER LIP STIFF UPPER LIP  "Stiff upper lip" is a phrase that means to remain calm and stoic in the face of adversity or difficulty. It emphasizes not showing emotions like fear, disappointment, or sadness.  Example Sentences:Despite the bad news, he kept a stiff upper lip and continued with his work.She maintained a stiff upper lip during the entire interview, even though she was nervous.After the loss, ..
[영어 관용표현] to get/start off on the right foot to get/start off on the right foot  Meaning "To get/start off on the right foot" means to begin something in a favorable or positive manner, often ensuring a smooth and successful start.  Example sentences I want to get off on the right foot with my new coworkers by being friendly and helpful.Let's make sure we get off on the right foot with our project by establishing clear goals and expectatio..