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[영어 관용표현] HIGH AS A KITE HIGH AS A KITE  "High as a kite" is an idiom that means someone is extremely happy, excited, or intoxicated (often from drugs or alcohol).  Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:After winning the lottery, he was high as a kite.She felt high as a kite after getting the job offer.The kids were high as a kite after eating all that candy.He came back from the party high as a kite.She was h..
[영어 관용표현] BURST INTO LAUGHTER/TEARS BURST INTO LAUGHTER/TEARS  Meaning "Burst into laughter/tears" is a phrase used to describe the sudden and uncontrollable onset of either laughter or tears.  Example sentences When the comedian told his best joke, the entire audience burst into laughter.As soon as she saw the puppy's adorable antics, she burst into laughter.Despite her efforts to remain composed, she burst into tears when she he..
[영어 관용표현] LIKE A DOG WITH TWO TAILS LIKE A DOG WITH TWO TAILS  Meaning "Like a dog with two tails" is an idiom used to describe someone who is extremely happy, excited, or delighted about something. It conveys a sense of immense joy or satisfaction, akin to a dog wagging its tail vigorously when it's particularly pleased.  Example sentences When she found out she got the job, she was like a dog with two tails.Seeing his favorite b..
[영어 관용표현] FALL INTO PLACE FALL INTO PLACE  Meaning "Falling into place" is an idiomatic expression that means things are becoming organized or arranged in a satisfactory or expected manner, often after a period of uncertainty or chaos. It implies that events or circumstances are starting to make sense or fit together smoothly.  Example sentences "After weeks of hard work, everything finally fell into place, and we were a..
[영어 관용표현] A LITTLE SOMETHING A LITTLE SOMETHING  Meaning "A little something" typically refers to a small, often thoughtful or unexpected gift or gesture given to someone. It can also refer to a small amount of something, such as food or drink, or a small favor or action.  Example sentences "I brought you a little something to thank you for helping me move.""Why don't you come over for dinner tonight? I'll whip up a little ..
[영어 관용표현] CALL A SPADE A SPADE CALL A SPADE A SPADE  Meaning "Call a spade a spade" is an idiom that means to speak bluntly and directly, without euphemisms or beating around the bush. It implies a straightforward approach to addressing a situation or stating the truth, even if it may be unpleasant or uncomfortable.  Example sentences "Let's call a spade a spade here: the project failed because of poor planning and lack of co..
[영어 관용표현] IN THE BAG IN THE BAG  Meaning "In the bag" is an idiom that means something is assured, certain, or guaranteed to happen. It suggests that success or achievement is already secured or very likely.  Example sentences With her extensive preparation and experience, she knew the presentation was in the bag.Scoring the winning goal in the last minute, they knew the championship was in the bag.After acing all t..
[영어 관용표현] A HEAVY CROSS TO BEAR A HEAVY CROSS TO BEAR  Meaning "A heavy cross to bear" is an idiom that refers to a significant burden, responsibility, or problem that someone must endure or carry, often with difficulty or suffering. It suggests a challenging situation or hardship that weighs heavily on a person.  Example sentences Taking care of her sick parents while juggling a demanding job was a heavy cross to bear for Sar..
[영어 관용표현] HEADS OR TAILS? HEADS OR TAILS?  Meaning "Heads or tails?" is a phrase used when flipping a coin to make a decision or determine a winner. One side of the coin typically has a head (often an image of a person or symbol) and the other side has a tail (usually the opposite side of the coin).  Example sentences "Let's decide who goes first in the game by flipping a coin. Heads or tails?""Heads or tails?" she asked..
[영어 관용표현] ON A TEAR ON A TEAR  "On a tear" means someone is experiencing a period of success, excitement, or energetic activity, often achieving a lot or performing very well.  Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:After winning five games in a row, the team is on a tear.  (= After winning five games in a row, the team is doing really well.)She’s been on a tear at work, closing multiple big deals this mon..