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[알짜 영숙어] look forward to look forward to  "Look forward to" means to feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen. It expresses anticipation and eagerness for a future event.  Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:I look forward to the weekend because I can relax.She looks forward to visiting her grandparents next month.We look forward to the holidays every year.He looks forward to starting h..
[영어 관용표현] OFF THE BEATEN TRACK/PATH OFF THE BEATEN TRACK/PATH  Meaning "Off the beaten track/path" refers to going somewhere less traveled or less known, often away from the main roads or popular routes. It suggests exploration and adventure, stepping away from the usual and discovering something new and less conventional.  Example sentences We decided to go off the beaten track and explore the hidden waterfalls deep in the forest..
[영어 관용표현] THE ICING ON THE CAKE THE ICING ON THE CAKE  Meaning The expression "the icing on the cake" is used metaphorically to refer to something that enhances a positive situation, making it even better or more enjoyable. It suggests that while the situation was already good or satisfactory, the addition of this extra element makes it even more delightful or satisfying.  Example sentences Winning the championship was great, ..
[영어 관용표현] You can't teach an old dog new tricks. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.  "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" is an idiom that means it is difficult to change someone's habits, especially if they have been doing something a certain way for a long time. It suggests that people resist change as they get older.  Here are 10 example sentences using this idiom:My grandfather still uses a flip phone because you can't teach an old ..
[영어 관용표현] WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE  "Wake up and smell the coffee" is an idiom that means someone should become aware of the reality of a situation, especially if they have been ignoring or denying it. It suggests that the person needs to pay attention and recognize the truth.  Here are 10 example sentences using this idiom:If you think you can pass the exam without studying, you need to wake up and s..
[영어 관용표현] LIKE A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP LIKE A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP  Meaning The phrase "like a bull in a china shop" is an idiom used to describe someone who is clumsy, reckless, or careless in their actions, especially in situations requiring delicacy or precision. It implies a lack of awareness or consideration for the consequences of one's actions, often resulting in damage or disruption.  Example sentences John barged into the me..
[영어 관용표현] DO SOMETHING BY THE SKIN OF YOUR TEETH DO SOMETHING BY THE SKIN OF YOUR TEETH  Meaning The phrase "do something by the skin of your teeth" means to accomplish something, succeed, or survive with the narrowest of margins or by a very small amount.  Example sentences He finished the race by the skin of his teeth, crossing the finish line just ahead of the competition.We made it to the airport just in time to catch our flight, but it wa..
[영어 관용표현] NOT LIFT/RAISE A FINGER NOT LIFT/RAISE A FINGER  Meaning The phrase "not lift/raise a finger" means to make no effort to help or do anything about a situation or task.  Example sentences Despite my repeated requests, he did not lift a finger to help with the chores.When the car broke down, nobody in the neighborhood raised a finger to assist us.She watched her classmates struggle with the heavy boxes but didn't lift a ..
[영어 관용표현] LET'S CALL IT A DAY/NIGHT LET'S CALL IT A DAY/NIGHT  Meaning The phrase "let's call it a day" or "let's call it a night" means to stop what one is doing and end work or activities for the day or evening.  Example sentences We've been working on this project for hours, and I think it's time to call it a day.The party is winding down, so let's call it a night and head home.After a long day of sightseeing, let's call it a d..
[영어 관용표현] SCARE THE LIFE OUT OF SOMEBODY SCARE THE LIFE OUT OF SOMEBODY  Meaning The phrase "scare the life out of somebody" means to frighten someone severely or to cause them extreme fear.  Example sentences The horror movie was so terrifying that it scared the life out of me.When the car swerved off the road, it scared the life out of everyone in the vehicle.The sudden thunderstorm scared the life out of the children playing outside..