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[영어 관용표현] Drop Dead

Drop Dead



The phrase "drop dead" can have different meanings based on context. It can mean to die suddenly, but it is also used as a rude way to tell someone to go away or stop bothering you. Additionally, "drop-dead" can be used as an adjective to describe someone or something that is extremely attractive (e.g., "drop-dead gorgeous").



Example Sentences

  1. He was so shocked by the news that he nearly dropped dead. (suddenly die)
  2. If you don't stop annoying me, you can just drop dead! (go away rudely)
  3. She looked drop-dead gorgeous in her new dress. (extremely attractive)
  4. The performance was so amazing that the audience was drop-dead silent. (extremely, intensifier)
  5. When he heard about the scandal, he almost dropped dead from surprise. (suddenly die)
  6. She told him to drop dead when he made that rude comment. (go away rudely)
  7. The new sports car has a drop-dead stunning design. (extremely attractive)
  8. He was so scared that he thought he might drop dead on the spot. (suddenly die)
  9. When I saw the price of the house, I nearly dropped dead. (suddenly die from shock)
  10. She didn't like his attitude and told him to drop dead. (go away rudely)


These sentences illustrate the different uses of "drop dead," highlighting both its literal and figurative meanings.


'생활영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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