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[알짜 영숙어] do away with

do away with



The phrase "do away with" means to get rid of something, eliminate it, or stop using it. It often implies a permanent end to something.



Example Sentences

  1. The company decided to do away with plastic packaging to help the environment.
  2. Many schools are doing away with traditional textbooks in favor of digital ones.
  3. They want to do away with outdated rules and bring in new policies.
  4. We should do away with this old furniture and buy something new.
  5. The new software will do away with the need for manual data entry.
  6. Some countries are trying to do away with cash and go fully digital.
  7. The store did away with its membership fees to attract more customers.
  8. He decided to do away with junk food to improve his health.
  9. The city plans to do away with parking fees in the downtown area.
  10. She wants to do away with unnecessary meetings to save time at work.


These sentences show how "do away with" is used to indicate the removal or elimination of something.


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