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[알짜 영숙어] look up to

look up to



The phrase "look up to" means to admire or respect someone, often because of their qualities, achievements, or character. It implies that the person being looked up to is considered a role model or someone worthy of emulation.



Example Sentences

  1. I really look up to my older brother for his hard work and dedication.
  2. Many people look up to the scientist for her groundbreaking discoveries.
  3. Children often look up to their parents and try to imitate them.
  4. She has always looked up to her grandmother, who taught her so much about life.
  5. As a young athlete, he looks up to professional players and dreams of being like them one day.
  6. The students look up to their teacher because she is so knowledgeable and kind.
  7. He looks up to his boss, who is both fair and inspiring.
  8. The community looks up to the mayor for her efforts to improve the town.
  9. Many young musicians look up to famous artists and hope to follow in their footsteps.
  10. She looks up to her best friend for her bravery and honesty.


These sentences illustrate how "look up to" is used to express admiration and respect towards someone considered admirable.