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[알짜 영숙어] As For

As For



The phrase "as for" is used to introduce a topic or to shift the conversation to a new subject, often to specify or clarify a point. It can also imply a contrast or a separate consideration.



Example Sentences

  1. I love pizza. As for my brother, he prefers pasta.
  2. The meeting will start at 9 AM. As for the agenda, it will be sent out later.
  3. She is very talented in music. As for sports, she isn't very interested.
  4. We can go hiking this weekend. As for today, let's just relax.
  5. I have finished my homework. As for the project, I still need more time.
  6. The weather is nice today. As for tomorrow, the forecast says it will rain.
  7. The main course was delicious. As for the dessert, it was too sweet for me.
  8. I'll handle the invitations. As for the decorations, you can take care of them.
  9. He has no experience in this field. As for his enthusiasm, it's unmatched.
  10. I enjoyed the movie. As for the book, I found it even better.


These sentences illustrate how "as for" is used to smoothly transition between topics or to highlight a distinction or contrast.