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[과제] Is diversity in life necessary? What is the reason?

"The specific life goals that people choose do not necessarily align. The direction of people's lives is determined by various factors such as differences in values based on social background, personal and social circumstances, innate abilities, and the education they can receive. Some people dedicate their entire lives to art, while others devote themselves to religion. Some spend their lives researching fish or birds, while others believe that becoming a social worker is the most admirable path. Such diversity in life is necessary for the development of both individuals and society as a whole. We should respect the decisions and values that others pursue as much as possible and should not disregard the way others live without valid reasons. No one has the right to unfairly interfere with the life goals or meanings that others hold."



To complement the logical structure of the above passage, please answer the following questions.



"Is diversity in life necessary? What is the reason?"


(Find and use examples that support your argument, as well as those that contradict it, from various fields such as literature, art, science, and history.)






Diversity in life is essential for the development and enrichment of individuals and society. This necessity can be supported and illustrated through examples from various fields such as literature, art, science, and history.


Supporting Examples:

  1. Literature:
    • "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee: This novel highlights the importance of diverse perspectives through the character of Atticus Finch, who teaches his children to respect and understand people from different backgrounds. The diversity of characters and their experiences enriches the narrative and provides a deeper understanding of human nature and social justice.
  2. Art:
    • Impressionism: The Impressionist movement in art, with artists like Claude Monet and Edgar Degas, brought a radical change by focusing on light and color rather than traditional forms. This diversity in artistic expression led to a richer, more varied art world and inspired future generations of artists to explore new techniques and perspectives.
  3. Science:
    • Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: Darwin's observations of diverse species in the Galápagos Islands led to the development of the theory of natural selection. This theory, which emphasizes the importance of genetic diversity, has been fundamental in advancing our understanding of biology and the development of life on Earth.
  4. History:
    • The Renaissance: This period was marked by a significant diversification of thought and culture, with contributions from various fields such as art, science, and literature. Figures like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo exemplified the integration of diverse disciplines, leading to a flourishing of knowledge and cultural development.


Contradicting Examples:

  1. Totalitarian Regimes:
    • Nazi Germany: The Nazi regime enforced a homogenous society by suppressing diversity, resulting in devastating consequences. This historical example shows that the lack of diversity can lead to the oppression of ideas, cultures, and peoples, stifling societal growth and ethical progress.
  2. Conformity in Education:
    • Traditional Education Systems: In some educational systems that prioritize uniformity and discourage diverse thinking, students often struggle to develop critical thinking and creativity. This can hinder their ability to innovate and adapt to new challenges, demonstrating the negative impact of a lack of diversity in educational approaches.




The necessity of diversity in life is evident through the positive impacts it has on various fields. Diversity fosters innovation, understanding, and resilience, enabling both individuals and society to thrive. By embracing and respecting diverse perspectives and experiences, we can ensure a more vibrant, dynamic, and progressive world. Conversely, historical and contemporary examples show that the absence of diversity can lead to stagnation, oppression, and missed opportunities for growth. Thus, diversity is not just beneficial but essential for the holistic development of humanity.