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[알짜 영숙어] hand/turn in

hand/turn in



Both "hand in" and "turn in" mean to submit something, usually a piece of work, assignment, or document, to someone in authority, such as a teacher, boss, or office.



Example Sentences

  1. I need to hand in my homework by tomorrow morning.
  2. Please turn in your report to the office before the end of the day.
  3. She handed in her resignation letter to her boss last week.
  4. Make sure to turn in your essay on time to avoid a late penalty.
  5. He forgot to hand in his permission slip for the field trip.
  6. They turned in their applications for the job before the deadline.
  7. The teacher asked the students to hand in their assignments at the start of class.
  8. You can turn in your completed forms at the reception desk.
  9. She handed in her project early to get extra credit.
  10. All volunteers need to turn in their schedules by Friday.


These sentences show how "hand in" and "turn in" are used to indicate the act of submitting something to a person or place.