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[알짜 영숙어] Put Up With

Put Up With



The phrase "put up with" means to tolerate or endure something or someone that is unpleasant or difficult without complaining.



Example Sentences

  1. She has to put up with a lot of noise from the construction next door.
  2. I can't put up with his rude behavior any longer.
  3. They put up with the cold weather because they love living in the mountains.
  4. He puts up with a long commute to work every day.
  5. She put up with her boss's constant criticism for years before quitting.
  6. We have to put up with heavy traffic during rush hour.
  7. He is very patient and can put up with a lot of stress.
  8. They put up with the uncomfortable seats because the concert was amazing.
  9. She put up with the heat because she wanted to enjoy the beach.
  10. I can't believe you put up with that loud music all night.


These sentences show how "put up with" is used to express enduring or tolerating something unpleasant or challenging.


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