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[알짜 영숙어] Make Up For

Make Up For



The phrase "make up for" means to compensate for something that is lacking, lost, or missed, or to correct a problem or mistake. It implies taking action to balance out a deficiency or error.



Example Sentences

  1. She brought a cake to make up for missing my birthday party.
  2. I studied extra hard to make up for the classes I missed.
  3. He worked late to make up for arriving late in the morning.
  4. The company offered a discount to make up for the delayed delivery.
  5. She apologized to make up for her rude comments.
  6. They planted more trees to make up for the ones they cut down.
  7. I took him out to dinner to make up for forgetting our anniversary.
  8. He practiced every day to make up for his poor performance in the last game.
  9. The extra training sessions will make up for the time we lost during the holidays.
  10. She gave him a thoughtful gift to make up for her earlier mistake.


These sentences illustrate how "make up for" is used to describe actions taken to compensate for something negative or to correct a situation.


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