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[알짜 영숙어] compensate for

compensate for



The phrase "compensate for" means to make up for something that is lacking, missing, or not right. It often involves doing something to balance out or fix a problem or deficiency.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. He worked extra hours to compensate for his late arrival.
  2. She bought him a gift to compensate for missing his birthday.
  3. The teacher gave extra credit to compensate for the difficult test.
  4. He ate a salad to compensate for the unhealthy lunch he had.
  5. She apologized to compensate for her earlier mistake.
  6. They planted more trees to compensate for the ones cut down.
  7. The company offered a discount to compensate for the delayed delivery.
  8. He exercised more to compensate for his big dinner.
  9. The manager hired additional staff to compensate for the busy season.
  10. She took extra lessons to compensate for her missed classes.


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