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[알짜 영숙어] give way

give way



The phrase "give way" means to allow something to happen, to yield, or to break under pressure. It can be used in different contexts, such as traffic, emotions, or physical objects.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. In traffic, drivers must give way to pedestrians at crosswalks.
  2. Her anger finally gave way to tears after hearing the sad news.
  3. The old bridge might give way under the weight of too many cars.
  4. He had to give way to the oncoming truck to avoid an accident.
  5. The stubborn tree would not give way despite the strong wind.
  6. She decided to give way to her colleague's idea during the meeting.
  7. His fear gave way to excitement as the roller coaster started.
  8. The chair gave way when he sat on it, and he fell to the ground.
  9. The crowd had to give way for the ambulance to pass through.
  10. Her initial hesitation gave way to confidence as she began to speak.


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