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[알짜 영숙어] keep company with

keep company with



The phrase "keep company with" means to spend time with someone or to associate with someone regularly.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. She likes to keep company with her old friends on weekends.
  2. He keeps company with a group of artists in the city.
  3. It's important to keep company with people who inspire you.
  4. She was advised to keep company with positive and supportive individuals.
  5. He often keeps company with his neighbor during morning walks.
  6. She decided to keep company with her classmates to study for the exam.
  7. They prefer to keep company with each other rather than going out.
  8. He keeps company with his dog whenever he feels lonely.
  9. She keeps company with her sister whenever she visits town.
  10. He keeps company with his colleagues after work at the local café.


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