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[알짜 영숙어] find fault with

find fault with



The phrase "find fault with" means to criticize or point out mistakes or problems in something or someone.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. She always finds fault with the way I dress.
  2. He tends to find fault with every plan we make.
  3. The manager found fault with the report and asked for revisions.
  4. She found fault with the restaurant's service and left a complaint.
  5. He finds fault with his teammates even when they try their best.
  6. They found fault with the movie, saying it was too long.
  7. The teacher found fault with the students' homework for being incomplete.
  8. He found fault with the new software, saying it was too slow.
  9. She finds fault with her children’s behavior all the time.
  10. The critics found fault with the play, but the audience loved it.


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