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[영어 관용표현] Mean business

Mean business



"Mean business" means to be very serious about what one is doing or intending to do. It indicates that someone is determined, focused, and not joking around.



Example Sentences

  1. She means business about her studies this year.
    • She is very serious about her studies this year.
  2. When he says he's going to the gym every day, he means business.
    • He is very determined to go to the gym every day.
  3. The coach means business about winning the championship.
    • The coach is very focused on winning the championship.
  4. Don't mess with her; she means business.
    • She is very serious, so don't try to joke around with her.
  5. The boss means business about improving sales.
    • The boss is very determined to improve sales.
  6. When she sets her mind on something, she means business.
    • When she decides to do something, she is very serious and determined.
  7. He means business when he talks about cleaning up the environment.
    • He is very serious about cleaning up the environment.
  8. The team means business in the upcoming game.
    • The team is very serious and determined to do well in the upcoming game.
  9. She means business about finishing her project on time.
    • She is very focused and determined to finish her project on time.
  10. When he arrived early for the meeting, I knew he meant business.
    • I knew he was very serious about the meeting when he arrived early.



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