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[알짜 영숙어] at all

at all



The phrase "at all" is used to emphasize a negative statement or to indicate the slightest degree or extent. It often means "in any way" or "to any extent."



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. She didn't understand the instructions at all.
  2. He wasn't interested in the movie at all.
  3. I couldn't find my keys at all this morning.
  4. They didn't like the food at all.
  5. She wasn't tired at all after the long trip.
  6. He didn't help with the project at all.
  7. I don't know him at all.
  8. The weather didn't improve at all during the day.
  9. She didn't enjoy the party at all.
  10. He didn't answer my questions at all.


While "at all" is most commonly used in negative sentences, it can also be used in positive sentences to emphasize the extent of something. Here are 10 examples of "at all" in positive sentences:




  • If you need any help at all, just let me know.
  • I was surprised she liked my painting at all.
  • It's amazing he could finish the marathon at all.
  • I appreciate your effort at all times.
  • If you have any questions at all, please ask.
  • Any improvement at all would be beneficial.
  • I was happy to see any progress at all.
  • I enjoy spending time with you at all hours.
  • I'm grateful for any support at all.
  • It’s a miracle we found the lost dog at all.




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