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[알짜 영숙어] make amends for

make amends for



The phrase "make amends for" means to do something to correct a wrong or to show that you are sorry for something bad that you did. It involves taking actions to repair harm or damage caused by one's actions.



Here are 10 example sentences:

  1. He apologized and did extra chores to make amends for breaking the vase.
  2. She baked cookies for her friend to make amends for their argument.
  3. He donated to charity to make amends for his past mistakes.
  4. She wrote a heartfelt letter to make amends for her hurtful words.
  5. The company offered a free service to make amends for the poor customer experience.
  6. He returned the money to make amends for taking it without permission.
  7. She volunteered at the shelter to make amends for her neglectful behavior.
  8. He bought a new book to make amends for losing his sister's favorite one.
  9. She spent extra time helping her coworker to make amends for missing a deadline.
  10. He planned a special day out to make amends for forgetting their anniversary.


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