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[알짜 영숙어] in itself in itself  The phrase "in itself" means something considered alone or by its own nature, without regard to anything else. It refers to the inherent qualities or nature of something.  Here are 10 example sentences using "in itself":The book, in itself, is a great source of knowledge.The mountain, in itself, is a natural wonder.Learning a new language is a challenge in itself.The painting, in itse..
[알짜 영숙어] in oneself in oneself  The phrase "in oneself" means within one's own mind, emotions, or character. It refers to things that are internal or personal to a person.  Here are 10 example sentences using "in oneself":She found the strength in herself to finish the marathon.It's important to believe in oneself to achieve success.He kept his fears in himself, never sharing them with anyone.She discovered a new p..
[좋은 문장] 9 Tips for Your Personal Growth 9 Tips for Your Personal Growth: Give up a bad habit.Stop doing something that is not good for you, like smoking or eating junk food.Learn a new skill.Start learning something new, like playing a musical instrument, cooking, or a new language.Discover a new place.Visit somewhere you have never been before, like a park, a new city, or a museum.Read a new book.Pick up a book you haven’t read befor..
[영어 관용표현] A stitch in time saves nine. A stitch in time saves nine.  The saying "A stitch in time saves nine" means that fixing a small problem right away can prevent it from becoming a much bigger problem later. It emphasizes the importance of taking quick and proactive action to prevent future issues.  Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase in easy English:When you see a small tear in your shirt, remember that a stitch in ..
[좋은 문장] English of Carminha (16-20) 16. People may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.  This means that while people might not remember your exact words, they will always remember the emotions and feelings you evoked in them. It emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness and empathy, as the emotional impact lasts longer than words.  17. That's life. Every stone is a lesson. Ever..
[좋은 문장] English of Carminha (6-10) 6. Respect is the basis of everything in life. There is no trust, no love, and no friendship if there is no respect.  This sentence means that respect is fundamental to all important aspects of life. Without respect, you cannot have trust, love, or friendship. Respect is the foundation upon which these relationships and feelings are built. If respect is missing, these essential parts of life can..
[좋은 문장] English of Carminha (1-5) 1. If life doesn't get easier, try to get stronger. This sentence means that when life presents difficulties and challenges that do not seem to go away, you should focus on becoming more resilient and capable of handling those challenges. Instead of expecting life to become easier, work on improving yourself and your ability to cope with tough situations.  2. Time is the same for everyone; what ..
[Informal & Formal Words] 5. Worse & Inferieor 5. Worse & Inferieor  Meaning Difference Between "Worse" and "Inferior" "Worse":Comparative: Used to compare two things, indicating that one is of a lower quality or condition than the other.Context: Often used in situations involving decline, deterioration, or unfavorable comparisons.Flexibility: Can describe various aspects such as health, performance, conditions, etc. "Inferior":Qualitative: ..
[Informal & Formal Words] 4. Thanks & Gratitude 4. Thanks & Gratitude  Meaning Difference Between "Thanks" and "Gratitude" "Thanks":Casual Use: An informal and commonly used word to express appreciation.Direct Expression: Typically used to acknowledge a specific action or favor.Everyday Language: Frequently used in daily conversations. "Gratitude":Formal Use: A more formal term that represents a deep sense of appreciation and thankfulness.Bro..
[Informal & Formal Words] 3. Blow Up & Explode 3. Blow Up & Explode  Meaning Difference Between "Blow Up" and "Explode" "Blow Up":General Use: Informal term for something bursting or breaking apart violently.Broader Use: Can also mean to inflate (e.g., a balloon), to become very angry, or to enlarge a photo.Everyday Language: More commonly used in everyday speech and idiomatic expressions. "Explode":Technical Use: More formal term for a viol..