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[좋은 문장] English of Carminha (16-20)

16. People may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.


This means that while people might not remember your exact words, they will always remember the emotions and feelings you evoked in them. It emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness and empathy, as the emotional impact lasts longer than words.



17. That's life. Every stone is a lesson. Every difficulty is a test. Every joy is a victory. Each disappointment is a new chance to start over. Just as every comma changes a sentence, an attitude changes a story.


That's life. Every obstacle or problem teaches you something valuable, and every hard time challenges you to prove your strength. Every happy moment is a success to be celebrated, and when things go wrong, you get a new opportunity to begin again. Just as punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence, your attitude can change your life.



18. Be kind to everyone, because every person is fighting some kind of battle.


Treat all people with kindness and compassion because everyone has their own problems and struggles, even if you can't see them.



19. Dream big, work hard and always remain humble.


Have big and ambitious goals for your future. Put in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve your goals. Stay modest and respectful, no matter how successful you become.



20. I'm not better or worse than anyone else, but I am unique... and in this art, no one surpasses me.


This statement shows a balanced view of self-worth and skill. It starts by saying everyone is equal, not better or worse than others. Then, it recognizes each person's unique qualities. It also shows confidence in a specific skill, saying no one is better at it than the speaker. Overall, it's about knowing yourself well, being humble in comparisons, taking pride in what makes you unique, and feeling sure about what you're good at.