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[좋은 문장] English of Carminha (6-10)

6. Respect is the basis of everything in life. There is no trust, no love, and no friendship if there is no respect.


This sentence means that respect is fundamental to all important aspects of life. Without respect, you cannot have trust, love, or friendship. Respect is the foundation upon which these relationships and feelings are built. If respect is missing, these essential parts of life cannot exist or thrive.



7. Those who give thanks when they wake up are fully aware that God is their highest priority.


This sentence means that people who express gratitude upon waking up understand that their relationship with God is the most important aspect of their lives. By starting their day with thanks, they show that they prioritize their faith and acknowledge the importance of God in their daily lives.



8. Not speaking ill of anyone is the best way to speak well. Practical life change starts with you.


This sentence means that avoiding negative talk about others is the best way to maintain good and positive speech. It suggests that a practical way to improve your life is to change your own behavior, starting with how you talk about others. By focusing on positive communication, you can bring about positive changes in your life.



9. May we have fun without harming ourselves, may we love without hurting ourselves, may we learn without making mistakes, may we live without compromising ourselves.


This sentence expresses wishes or hopes for a life where certain actions or experiences are undertaken in a positive and healthy manner:

  1. Having fun without harming ourselves: Enjoying life without doing anything that could cause harm or danger.
  2. Loving without hurting ourselves: Being in relationships or loving others in a way that doesn't cause emotional or physical harm.
  3. Learning without making mistakes: Learning and growing without having negative consequences from mistakes.
  4. Living without compromising ourselves: Living life in a way that aligns with our values and beliefs, without sacrificing our integrity or principles.

Overall, the sentence reflects aspirations for a balanced and fulfilling life where enjoyment, love, learning, and living are approached in a safe, respectful, and positive manner.



10. I cannot teach you how to have character, but life can teach you the consequences of lacking it.


This sentence means that while someone may not be able to directly teach another person how to develop good character traits, life itself can provide lessons through the negative consequences that arise from not having those traits. It implies that experiencing the results of lacking character can be a powerful way for individuals to understand its importance and to learn from their mistakes or shortcomings. Character, in this context, refers to qualities like integrity, honesty, and moral strength.