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[좋은 문장] English of Carminha (1-5)

1. If life doesn't get easier, try to get stronger.


This sentence means that when life presents difficulties and challenges that do not seem to go away, you should focus on becoming more resilient and capable of handling those challenges. Instead of expecting life to become easier, work on improving yourself and your ability to cope with tough situations.



2. Time is the same for everyone; what is different is priority.


This sentence means that everyone has the same amount of time in a day, but how people choose to use that time depends on their priorities. Different people value different activities or goals, which determines how they spend their time. The key point is that it's not about having more time, but about how you prioritize and manage the time you have.



3. The decision you postpone today is the dream you fail to live tomorrow.


This sentence means that if you delay making decisions or taking actions today, you might miss out on achieving your dreams in the future. Procrastination can prevent you from reaching your goals and fulfilling your aspirations. Essentially, taking timely action is crucial for turning your dreams into reality.



4. Don't try to be better than anyone else; just be different and fight for your goals.


This sentence means that instead of focusing on competing with others or trying to outdo them, you should concentrate on being unique and true to yourself. Focus on your own goals and work hard to achieve them. It's more important to be yourself and pursue what matters to you than to constantly compare yourself to others.



5. Silence is the only answer we should give to everyone. Because where ignorance speaks, intelligence makes no assumptions.


This sentence means that sometimes it's best to remain silent rather than engage with people who are speaking out of ignorance. When people are uninformed or making baseless statements, wise individuals choose not to make assumptions or engage in pointless arguments. Silence can be a powerful and intelligent response in the face of ignorance.