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[Informal & Formal Words] 4. Thanks & Gratitude

4. Thanks & Gratitude



Meaning Difference Between "Thanks" and "Gratitude"



  • Casual Use: An informal and commonly used word to express appreciation.
  • Direct Expression: Typically used to acknowledge a specific action or favor.
  • Everyday Language: Frequently used in daily conversations.



  • Formal Use: A more formal term that represents a deep sense of appreciation and thankfulness.
  • Broad Feeling: Encompasses a more general and long-lasting feeling of being thankful.
  • Less Frequent: Used less often in everyday speech and more in reflective or formal contexts.


Example Sentences Using "Thanks"

  1. Thanks for helping me with my homework.
    • Appreciation for assistance with homework.
  2. Thanks for the ride home.
    • Gratitude for providing transportation home.
  3. Thanks a lot for your advice.
    • Appreciation for receiving advice.


Example Sentences Using "Gratitude"

  1. I feel deep gratitude for your support during tough times.
    • A deep and enduring feeling of thankfulness for support during difficult periods.
  2. She expressed her gratitude to everyone who contributed to the project.
    • A formal acknowledgment of thankfulness to all contributors.
  3. We have immense gratitude for the kindness shown by the community.
    • A profound sense of thankfulness for the community's kindness.