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[알짜 영숙어] in oneself

in oneself



The phrase "in oneself" means within one's own mind, emotions, or character. It refers to things that are internal or personal to a person.



Here are 10 example sentences using "in oneself":

  1. She found the strength in herself to finish the marathon.
  2. It's important to believe in oneself to achieve success.
  3. He kept his fears in himself, never sharing them with anyone.
  4. She discovered a new passion in herself for painting.
  5. Finding confidence in oneself can be challenging but rewarding.
  6. He realized in himself a deep desire to help others.
  7. She struggled with doubts in herself but kept pushing forward.
  8. In oneself lies the power to change and grow.
  9. He searched in himself for the courage to speak up.
  10. She felt happiness in herself when she helped her friend.