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[알짜 영숙어] make friends with

make friends with



The phrase "make friends with" means to become friends with someone or to establish a friendly relationship with someone.



Here are 10 example sentences using "make friends with":

  1. She wants to make friends with her new neighbors.
  2. It's easy to make friends with classmates at school.
  3. He made friends with the kids at the park.
  4. She tries to make friends with everyone she meets.
  5. He made friends with a boy in his soccer team.
  6. The puppy quickly made friends with the other dogs.
  7. She made friends with her coworkers during the first week.
  8. He made friends with the shop owner by visiting often.
  9. She made friends with a girl at summer camp.
  10. It's important to make friends with people who share your interests.