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[알짜 영숙어] by the day(month, week, hour)

by the day(month, week, hour)



The phrase "by the day (month, week, hour)" means that something is measured, paid, or happening according to each day, month, week, or hour.



Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:

  1. The rent for the cabin is charged by the day.
  2. He gets paid by the hour at his part-time job.
  3. They rent the apartment by the month.
  4. The schedule can change by the week depending on demand.
  5. The workers are hired by the hour for the construction project.
  6. The weather seems to be getting warmer by the day.
  7. The project is progressing by the week.
  8. She teaches piano lessons by the hour.
  9. The hotel charges guests by the night.
  10. The baby's growth is noticeable by the month.


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