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[알짜 영숙어] of itself

of itself



The phrase "of itself" means something happening or existing by its own nature, without external influence or assistance.



Here are 10 example sentences using "of itself":

  1. The door opened of itself without anyone touching it.
  2. The problem will resolve of itself in time.
  3. The machine shut down of itself after overheating.
  4. The flower bloomed of itself with no help from the gardener.
  5. Success, of itself, doesn't bring happiness.
  6. The tree fell of itself during the storm.
  7. The idea of itself is good, but it needs more development.
  8. The solution presented itself of itself after much thought.
  9. The light turned on of itself when it got dark.
  10. The bread rose of itself thanks to the yeast.