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[알짜 영숙어] and that

and that



The phrase "and that" is used to add emphasis or additional information to a statement. It often implies that something more significant or noteworthy follows.



Here are 10 example sentences using "and that":

  1. She got a promotion, and that after only six months.
  2. He won the race, and that with a broken leg.
  3. She finished her homework, and that in record time.
  4. He apologized, and that made all the difference.
  5. She baked a cake, and that without any help.
  6. He solved the puzzle, and that on his first try.
  7. She traveled alone, and that to a foreign country.
  8. He passed the test, and that without studying.
  9. She learned to play the piano, and that in just one month.
  10. He fixed the car, and that using only basic tools.