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[알짜 영숙어] take for granted

take for granted



The phrase "take for granted" means to assume something will always be available or will happen, without appreciating it or considering its value.



Here are 10 example sentences using "take for granted":

  1. Don't take your parents for granted; they work hard to support you.
  2. She took her health for granted until she got sick.
  3. He took his job for granted and was surprised when he got fired.
  4. We often take clean water for granted, but many people don't have it.
  5. They took their friendship for granted and drifted apart over time.
  6. She took the sunny weather for granted until it started raining.
  7. He took her help for granted and never said thank you.
  8. We shouldn't take our freedom for granted; many people don't have it.
  9. They took the internet for granted until there was an outage.
  10. He took his car for granted until it broke down and he had to walk.