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[영어 관용표현] Spare someone's blushes

Spare someone's blushes



"Spare someone's blushes" means to avoid embarrassing someone or causing them to feel ashamed in a situation where they might feel uncomfortable or exposed.



Here are 10 example sentences using "spare someone's blushes":

  1. Sarah accidentally spilled juice on her shirt, but her friends spared her blushes by quickly handing her a napkin.
  2. When Jake forgot his lines during the play, his co-star helped spare his blushes by smoothly continuing the scene.
  3. Emily's teacher spared her blushes by quietly reminding her of the correct answer without calling attention to her mistake in front of the class.
  4. During the meeting, Tom noticed his colleague's nervousness and tried to spare her blushes by asking her an easier question.
  5. The boss spared everyone's blushes by addressing the issue delicately and privately instead of publicly criticizing anyone.
  6. At the party, John accidentally tripped and spilled his drink, but his friends spared his blushes by laughing it off and helping him clean up.
  7. When Tina made a grammatical error in her speech, the audience spared her blushes by politely overlooking the mistake.
  8. After Sarah's clumsy fall, her friends spared her blushes by helping her up quickly and diverting attention away from the incident.
  9. During the exam, the teacher noticed Jack struggling with a question and spared his blushes by giving him a hint.
  10. When the new employee mispronounced a client's name, the manager spared her blushes by smoothly correcting it without making a big deal out of it.


These examples show how "spare someone's blushes" is used to describe actions taken to prevent someone from feeling embarrassed or humiliated in various situations.