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[알짜 영숙어] as such

as such



The phrase "as such" is used to indicate that something is being considered in a specific way or context. It often clarifies the role or status of something in relation to what has been stated or understood before.



Here are 10 example sentences using "as such":

  1. He wasn't qualified for the job, and as such, he didn't get hired.
  2. The storm caused damage to the roof, and as such, repairs are needed.
  3. The book wasn't a bestseller, but as such, it still received positive reviews.
  4. She wasn't a doctor, but as such, she could provide basic first aid.
  5. The team didn't win any awards, and as such, they focused on improving for next season.
  6. The restaurant wasn't busy, and as such, we got our food quickly.
  7. He didn't have experience in marketing, and as such, he had to learn on the job.
  8. The project wasn't completed on time, and as such, there were penalties.
  9. The price wasn't negotiable, and as such, we had to pay the full amount.
  10. The problem wasn't significant, but as such, it required attention to prevent it from worsening.