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[영어 관용표현] Don't count the chickens before they hatch

Don't count the chickens before they hatch



The phrase "Don't count the chickens before they hatch" means not to assume or rely on the outcome of something before it actually happens.



Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:

  1. We haven’t won the game yet, so don’t count the chickens before they hatch.
  2. She started spending her bonus before getting it; I told her, "Don’t count the chickens before they hatch."
  3. Don’t count the chickens before they hatch; wait until you get the job offer in writing.
  4. He’s planning his victory party already, but I reminded him not to count the chickens before they hatch.
  5. Don’t count the chickens before they hatch; the deal isn't final yet.
  6. She assumed she’d get the promotion, but I said, "Don’t count the chickens before they hatch."
  7. They’re planning how to spend their lottery winnings, but they shouldn’t count the chickens before they hatch.
  8. He’s already imagining his new car, but he should not count the chickens before they hatch.
  9. Don’t count the chickens before they hatch; the test results aren’t out yet.
  10. She thinks she’ll win the contest, but I warned her not to count the chickens before they hatch.


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