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[알짜 영숙어] of oneself

of oneself



The phrase "of oneself" refers to actions, thoughts, or characteristics that come from within a person, often implying something done independently or naturally.



Here are 10 example sentences using "of oneself":

  1. He took it upon himself to help, of himself, without being asked.
  2. She often speaks of herself in a humble way.
  3. He is proud of himself for completing the marathon.
  4. She thinks highly of herself and her abilities.
  5. He acted of himself to solve the problem, not waiting for instructions.
  6. She gave a lot of herself to the charity work.
  7. He is always critical of himself after a performance.
  8. She is very aware of herself and her surroundings.
  9. He found a solution of himself, using his own ideas.
  10. She takes care of herself by eating healthy and exercising.