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[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (41~45) 41. Wenn eine Schraube locker ist, hat das Leben mehr Spiel. When a screw is loose, life has more play. This means that when things are not perfect or tightly controlled, life can be more flexible and fun. It suggests that a little bit of chaos or imperfection can make life more enjoyable and less rigid.  42. Ein langer Streit beweist, dass beide Seiten unrecht haben. A long argument proves that..
[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (36~40) 36. Ich kann, weil ich will, was ich muss.  I can because I want to do what I must. This means that you are capable of doing something because you have the desire and determination to do what is necessary. Your willpower and sense of duty give you the ability to achieve your goals.  37. Kleider machen Leute, aber das Herz macht den Menschen.  Clothes make the man, but the heart makes the person...
[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (31~35) 31. Auf Dauer nimmt die Seele die Farbe deiner Gedanken an. Over time, the soul takes on the color of your thoughts. This sentence means that the way you think and the thoughts you have will eventually affect your inner self, or your soul. If you have positive thoughts, your soul will become positive. If you have negative thoughts, your soul will become negative. Essentially, your inner state re..
[독일어 작문] 짧고 쉬운 1,200 문장 (11 ~ 15) [독일어 작문] 짧고 쉬운 1,200 문장 (11 ~ 15)  11. 난 변비가 있어요.Ich bin verstopft.  (I am constipated.) Ich habe Verstopfung.  (= I have constipation.)Mein Bauch ist verstopft.  (= My stomach is constipated.)Ich kann nicht auf die Toilette gehen.  (= I can't go to the bathroom.)Mein Darm ist blockiert.  (= My bowels are blocked.)Ich habe Probleme beim Stuhlgang.  (= I have problems with bowel movements.)  12. ..
[독일어 작문] 짧고 쉬운 1,200 문장 (6 ~ 10) [독일어 작문] 짧고 쉬운 1,200 문장 (6 ~ 10)  6. 오늘 비가 오면 좋겠어.Ich hoffe, es regnet heute.  (I hope it rains today.) Ich wünsche mir, dass es heute regnet.  (= I wish it would rain today.)Es wäre schön, wenn es heute regnet.  (= It would be nice if it rained today.)Ich hoffe, dass es heute regnet.  (= I hope that it rains today.)Es wäre gut, wenn es heute regnen würde.  (= It would be good if it rained today..
[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (26~30) 26. Wenn Sie eine Person suchen, die Ihr Leben verändert, schauen Sie in den Spiegel. If you are looking for a person to change your life, look in the mirror. This means that if you want someone to change your life for the better, you should start with yourself. You have the power to make positive changes in your own life.  27. Arbeite für eine Sache, nicht für Beifall. Lebe das Leben, um dich a..
[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (21~25) 21. Nichts Unvollendetes kann für etwas Maßstab sein.  Nothing unfinished can be a standard for something. This sentence suggests that something incomplete or unfinished should not be used as a benchmark or standard for evaluating other things. It implies that only complete, fully developed work or ideas can serve as a proper measure for comparison. The message encourages finishing tasks and ful..
[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (16~20) 16. Fange nicht an aufzuhören, höre nie auf anzufangen.  Don't start to stop, never stop starting. This phrase encourages persistence and continuous effort. It suggests that you should not give up on your goals or dreams. Instead, you should keep trying, starting new things, and moving forward, no matter how many times you might face setbacks. It promotes a mindset of never giving up and always ..
[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (11~15) 11. Verbringe nicht die Zeit mit der Suche nach einem Hindernis – vielleicht ist keines da!  Don't spend time looking for an obstacle – maybe there isn't one! This sentence advises against wasting time and energy searching for problems or obstacles that may not exist. It encourages a more positive and proactive mindset, suggesting that instead of anticipating difficulties, one should proceed wit..
[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (6~10) 6. Erwarte nichts, aber schätze alles.  Expect nothing, but appreciate everything. "Expect nothing": This part advises not to have expectations. By not expecting anything, you avoid disappointment if things don't turn out as hoped. It promotes a mindset of non-attachment to outcomes."Appreciate everything": This part encourages gratitude and recognizing the value in everything, regardless of how..