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[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (11~15)

11. Verbringe nicht die Zeit mit der Suche nach einem Hindernis – vielleicht ist keines da!


Don't spend time looking for an obstacle – maybe there isn't one!


This sentence advises against wasting time and energy searching for problems or obstacles that may not exist. It encourages a more positive and proactive mindset, suggesting that instead of anticipating difficulties, one should proceed with confidence and not let unfounded fears hinder progress. It implies that sometimes, the barriers we perceive are merely products of our own imagination or worry.



12. Das Leben ist wie ein Fluss: Du tauchst nie zweimal in dasselbe Wasser.


Life is like a river: You never step into the same water twice.


This metaphorical sentence suggests that life, like a river, is constantly flowing and changing. The phrase "you never step into the same water twice" implies that each moment in life is unique and cannot be repeated. Just as a river's current carries different water constantly, life presents new experiences, challenges, and opportunities that evolve and transform over time. It encourages embracing change and appreciating the transient nature of life's experiences.



13. Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.


One sees clearly only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.


This famous quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" emphasizes the idea that true understanding and perception come from the heart rather than from superficial appearances. It suggests that what truly matters in life—such as love, friendship, and inner qualities—is not visible to the eyes but can be felt and understood deeply by the heart. The quote encourages looking beyond outward appearances and material things to grasp the essence of life and relationships. It promotes a deeper connection to emotions and intuition as a means of understanding and appreciating what is truly important.



14. Jeder ist ein Genie! Aber wenn du einen Fisch danach beurteilst, ob er auf einen Baum klettern kann, wird er sein ganzes Leben glauben, dass er dumm ist.


Everyone is a genius! But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.



This quote, often attributed to Albert Einstein, highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing individual strengths and talents. It suggests that each person has unique abilities and potential ("everyone is a genius"), but these talents may vary greatly depending on the context or criteria used to evaluate them.

The metaphor of judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree emphasizes the folly of comparing individuals based on inappropriate standards. Just as a fish is not meant to climb trees, each person has their own strengths and weaknesses that should be acknowledged and appreciated accordingly.

The quote encourages a perspective that values diversity and respects individual differences, promoting a more inclusive and supportive approach to understanding and nurturing people's abilities.



15. Genieße den Augenblick, denn der Augenblick ist dein Leben.


Enjoy the moment, because the moment is your life.


This sentence emphasizes the importance of living in the present and appreciating each moment as it comes. It suggests that life is made up of individual moments, and by fully embracing and enjoying each moment, you are truly living your life to the fullest.

The phrase encourages mindfulness and being present in the here and now, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. It reminds us that every moment we experience contributes to our overall life experience, and by cherishing these moments, we can find fulfillment and happiness in our daily lives.