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[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (21~25)

21. Nichts Unvollendetes kann für etwas Maßstab sein.


Nothing unfinished can be a standard for something.


This sentence suggests that something incomplete or unfinished should not be used as a benchmark or standard for evaluating other things. It implies that only complete, fully developed work or ideas can serve as a proper measure for comparison. The message encourages finishing tasks and fully developing ideas before using them as a reference or standard. It emphasizes the importance of completion and thoroughness in setting benchmarks.



22. Obgleich wir aus verschiedenen Orten kommen und verschiedene Sprachen sprechen, schlagen unsere Herzen gemeinsam.


Although we come from different places and speak different languages, our hearts beat as one.


This sentence highlights the unity and shared humanity among people, despite differences in origin and language. It suggests that regardless of where we come from or the languages we speak, we share common emotions, values, and experiences. The phrase "our hearts beat as one" symbolizes this deep connection and mutual understanding. It promotes the idea of universal solidarity and emphasizes that human beings are fundamentally connected at an emotional and spiritual level, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers.



23. Was wäre das Leben, hätten wir nicht den Mut, etwas zu riskieren?


What would life be if we didn't have the courage to take risks?


This sentence suggests that taking risks is an essential part of life. It implies that without the courage to take risks, life would lack excitement, growth, and opportunities for new experiences. The phrase encourages embracing challenges and stepping out of one's comfort zone to fully experience and enjoy life. It highlights the importance of bravery in pursuing goals and dreams, suggesting that meaningful and fulfilling lives often involve taking calculated risks.



24. Das erste, was der Mensch im Leben vorfindet, das letzte, wonach er die Hand ausstreckt, das Kostbarste, was er im Leben besitzt, ist die Familie.


The first thing a person finds in life, the last thing they reach out for, the most precious thing they possess in life, is family.


This sentence emphasizes the fundamental and enduring importance of family in a person's life. It suggests that family is the first support system one encounters at birth, the last comfort one seeks at the end of life, and the most valuable possession throughout life. The message highlights the unique and irreplaceable role of family in providing love, support, and a sense of belonging. It underscores the idea that family relationships are central to one's life and well-being.



25. Wahre Worte sind nicht immer schön. Schöne Worte sind nicht immer wahr.


True words are not always beautiful. Beautiful words are not always true.


This sentence highlights the difference between truth and aesthetics in communication. It suggests that the truth can sometimes be harsh or unpleasant ("true words are not always beautiful"), while flattering or pleasing words may not necessarily be honest ("beautiful words are not always true"). The message encourages valuing honesty over superficial niceties and being cautious of words that sound good but may lack sincerity or truth. It emphasizes the importance of integrity and authenticity in what we say and hear.