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[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (6~10)

6. Erwarte nichts, aber schätze alles.


Expect nothing, but appreciate everything.


  • "Expect nothing": This part advises not to have expectations. By not expecting anything, you avoid disappointment if things don't turn out as hoped. It promotes a mindset of non-attachment to outcomes.
  • "Appreciate everything": This part encourages gratitude and recognizing the value in everything, regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant. It emphasizes focusing on the positive aspects of life and being thankful for what you have.

The overall message is to adopt an attitude of humility and gratitude. By not having expectations, you avoid negative emotions tied to unmet desires, and by appreciating everything, you cultivate a positive and grateful outlook on life. This mindset can lead to greater contentment and happiness.



7. Ein Traum ist ein Wunsch, den dein Herz äußert.


A dream is a wish your heart makes.


This phrase suggests that dreams are expressions of our deepest desires and wishes, which come from the heart. It implies that what we dream about often reflects what we truly want or long for in life, even if we might not consciously acknowledge these desires. The heart is used metaphorically to represent our emotions and innermost feelings.



8. Man kann nicht dankbar und unglücklich zugleich sein.

(= Man kann nicht gleichzeitig dankbar und unglücklich sein.)


One cannot be grateful and unhappy at the same time.


This sentence suggests that gratitude and unhappiness are mutually exclusive emotions. When you feel grateful, you focus on the positive aspects of your life, which makes it difficult to feel unhappy. Conversely, if you are feeling unhappy, it is hard to truly experience gratitude. The idea is that practicing gratitude can help shift your perspective and improve your overall sense of well-being, making it harder to feel unhappy.



9. Das Schwierigste am Leben ist es, Herz und Kopf dazu zu bringen, zusammenzuarbeiten.


The hardest thing in life is to get the heart and mind to work together.


This sentence suggests that one of the greatest challenges in life is to align one's emotions (represented by the heart) with one's rational thoughts (represented by the mind). It highlights the often conflicting nature of our feelings and logical reasoning. Achieving harmony between what we feel and what we think can be difficult, but it is essential for making balanced and fulfilling decisions. The sentence underscores the importance of finding a balance between emotional desires and rational considerations.



10. Sobald du dir vertraust, weißt du zu leben.


As soon as you trust yourself, you know how to live.


This sentence means that self-trust or self-confidence is essential for truly living life to its fullest. It suggests that when you have confidence in your own abilities, decisions, and judgments, you can navigate life more effectively and enjoy it more fully. Trusting yourself empowers you to take action, make choices, and embrace life's experiences with assurance and clarity.