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[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (16~20)

16. Fange nicht an aufzuhören, höre nie auf anzufangen.


Don't start to stop, never stop starting.


This phrase encourages persistence and continuous effort. It suggests that you should not give up on your goals or dreams. Instead, you should keep trying, starting new things, and moving forward, no matter how many times you might face setbacks. It promotes a mindset of never giving up and always being ready to begin again, no matter the challenges.



17. Wenn dich dein Leben nervt, streu Glitzer darauf.


If your life annoys you, sprinkle glitter on it.


This phrase uses a metaphorical approach to suggest a positive attitude towards life's challenges or annoyances. "Glitter" symbolizes adding brightness, joy, or positivity to difficult situations. Instead of dwelling on negativity or frustrations, the phrase encourages finding ways to add sparkle or excitement to your life. It implies that you have the power to change your perspective and make even mundane or bothersome aspects of life more enjoyable and fulfilling.



18. Alles, was du über das Leben lernen kannst, ist in drei Wörter zu fassen: Es geht weiter.


Everything you can learn about life can be summed up in three words: It goes on.


This sentence expresses a fundamental truth about life—that no matter what challenges or difficulties you face, life continues to move forward. It suggests resilience and the idea that despite setbacks or hardships, time does not stand still. The phrase encourages perseverance and a forward-looking attitude, reminding us that we can overcome obstacles and find new opportunities as life progresses. It's a message of hope and strength, emphasizing the ongoing nature of life's journey.



19. Freiheit bedeutet, dass man nicht unbedingt alles so machen muss wie andere Menschen es tun.


Freedom means that you don't necessarily have to do everything the way other people do.


This sentence explains the concept of freedom by emphasizing individual choice and autonomy. It suggests that true freedom allows you to make your own decisions and follow your own path, without feeling compelled to conform to the actions or expectations of others. It encourages independence of thought and action, promoting the idea that each person has the right to live according to their own beliefs, preferences, and values. This understanding of freedom supports diversity and individuality, where people are free to explore different ways of living and expressing themselves without judgment or restriction.



20. Wir können den Wind nicht ändern, aber die Segel anders setzen.


We cannot change the wind, but we can adjust the sails.


This sentence uses a sailing metaphor to convey a life lesson. It means that while we cannot control external circumstances or challenges (the wind), we can control how we respond to them (adjusting the sails). It emphasizes adaptability and resilience, suggesting that by changing our approach or attitude, we can navigate through difficulties more effectively. The message encourages a proactive and flexible mindset, focusing on what we can influence rather than what we cannot.