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[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (1~5)

1. Es ist nicht wichtig, wie langsam du gehst, solange du nicht stehen bleibst.


It is not important how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.


This means that it doesn't matter how slow you are moving or progressing. The important thing is to keep going and not give up. Even if your progress is small, as long as you continue moving forward, you are making progress.



2. Nicht den Tod sollte man fürchten, sondern dass man nie beginnen wird zu leben.


One should not fear death, but rather that one will never begin to live.


This means that you should not be afraid of dying. Instead, you should be more concerned about never truly starting to live your life. It's more important to focus on living fully and experiencing life than worrying about death.



3. Das Leben eilt dahin, und nicht einmal für eine kurze Zeit lässt es sich aufhalten.


Life rushes by, and it cannot be stopped even for a short time.


This means that life moves very quickly, and you cannot pause or stop it, even for a little while. Life keeps going on no matter what.



4. Vergebung ist der Schlüssel zum Handeln und zur Freiheit.


Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.


This means that forgiving others or yourself can help you move forward and feel free. When you forgive, you let go of anger and resentment, which allows you to take positive actions and live more freely and happily.



5. An den Scheidewegen des Lebens stehen keine Wegweiser.


At the crossroads of life, there are no signposts.


The phrase uses a metaphor to convey that in critical moments or decisions in life, there are often no clear directions or guidance. Each individual must make their own choices without definitive markers showing the right path. This reflects the uncertainty and personal responsibility involved in making significant life decisions.