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[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (41~45)

41. Wenn eine Schraube locker ist, hat das Leben mehr Spiel.


When a screw is loose, life has more play.


This means that when things are not perfect or tightly controlled, life can be more flexible and fun. It suggests that a little bit of chaos or imperfection can make life more enjoyable and less rigid.



42. Ein langer Streit beweist, dass beide Seiten unrecht haben.


A long argument proves that both sides are wrong.


This means that if an argument goes on for a long time, it shows that neither side is completely right. It suggests that prolonged disputes often result from both parties being somewhat wrong or unwilling to understand each other.



43. Ich wäre jetzt lieber dort, wo meine Gedanken gerade sind.


I would rather be where my thoughts are right now.


This sentence means that the person wishes they could be in the place they are thinking about at the moment. It expresses a desire to be somewhere else, specifically in the location they are imagining or daydreaming about.



44. Manchmal fühlt sich das Leben wie ein Test an, für den man nicht gelernt hat.


Sometimes life feels like a test for which you haven't studied.


This sentence means that there are moments in life when you feel unprepared or unsure about how to handle situations, similar to taking a test without having the necessary preparation or knowledge. It expresses a feeling of being overwhelmed or caught off guard by life's challenges.



45. An jedem Tag gibt es Schönes. Du musst nur wissen, wo du hinschauen musst.


There is beauty in every day. You just need to know where to look.


This sentence means that every day has something beautiful in it. You just need to know where to find it.