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[좋은 문장] Täglicher Satz von Vicky (31~35)

31. Auf Dauer nimmt die Seele die Farbe deiner Gedanken an.


Over time, the soul takes on the color of your thoughts.


This sentence means that the way you think and the thoughts you have will eventually affect your inner self, or your soul. If you have positive thoughts, your soul will become positive. If you have negative thoughts, your soul will become negative. Essentially, your inner state reflects your mental habits and thoughts over time.



32. Ängste, denen wir uns nicht stellen, werden zu unseren Grenzen.


Fears that we do not face become our limits.


This means that if we don't confront our fears, they will hold us back and prevent us from reaching our full potential. Overcoming fears is essential for personal growth and achieving our goals.



33. Es sind die Menschen, die du am meisten liebst, die dich am schlimmsten verletzen können.


It is the people you love the most who can hurt you the worst.


This means that the people you care about deeply have the greatest ability to cause you emotional pain. Because you trust and value them so much, their actions and words can affect you more significantly than those of others.



34. Ziele geben uns eine Bestimmung, was uns wiederum motiviert, in allen Aspekten unseres Lebens unser Bestes zu geben.


Goals give us purpose, which in turn motivates us to do our best in all aspects of our lives.


This means that having goals provides us with a sense of direction and purpose. This purpose then motivates us to put in our best effort in everything we do.



35. Persönliches Wachstum findet immer außerhalb der Komfortzone statt.


Personal growth always occurs outside of the comfort zone.


This means that in order to grow personally and develop yourself, you need to go beyond what feels comfortable or easy. Growth happens when you challenge yourself, face new experiences, and push your limits rather than staying in a place where you feel safe and familiar.