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[영어 관용표현] COLD TURKEY COLD TURKEY  Meaning "Cold turkey" is an idiomatic expression that refers to the abrupt and complete cessation of a habit or addiction without any gradual reduction or assistance.  (= "Cold turkey" means quitting a habit or addiction suddenly and completely, without gradually reducing it or getting help.)  Example sentences  After years of smoking, he decided to quit cold turkey.She stopped drin..
[영어 관용표현] IN TWO MINDS IN TWO MINDS  Meaning The phrase "in two minds" means being undecided or uncertain about something, unable to make a clear decision because one is torn between two options or conflicting thoughts.  Example sentences  I'm in two minds about whether to accept the job offer or not.She's in two minds about which university to attend next year.He's in two minds about whether to sell his car or keep i..
[영어 관용표현] TOUGH COOKIE TOUGH COOKIE  "Tough cookie" is an idiom that means someone who is strong, determined, and able to handle difficult situations.  Here are 10 example sentences using "tough cookie":Despite the challenges, she proved to be a tough cookie.He might look small, but he's a tough cookie.After everything she's been through, she's still a tough cookie.Don't worry about him; he's a tough cookie.She's a to..
[영어 관용표현] A LOT ON SOMEONE'S PLATE A LOT ON SOMEONE'S PLATE  "A lot on someone's plate" is an idiom that means someone has many responsibilities or tasks to deal with.  Here are 10 example sentences using "a lot on someone's plate":She has a lot on her plate with work and taking care of her family.He's been stressed because he has a lot on his plate right now.Don't ask him for help; he already has a lot on his plate.She couldn't ..
[영어 관용표현] PULL UP YOUR SOCKS PULL UP YOUR SOCKS  "Pull up your socks" is an idiom that means to make an effort to improve your work, behavior, or performance.  Here are 10 example sentences using "pull up your socks":You need to pull up your socks if you want to pass this class.He was told to pull up his socks after his poor performance at work.The coach told the team to pull up their socks before the big game.She decided t..
[영어 관용표현] THE BALL IS IN SOMEONE'S COURT THE BALL IS IN SOMEONE'S COURT  "The ball is in someone's court" is an idiom that means it is now someone else's turn to take action or make a decision.  Here are 10 example sentences using "the ball is in someone's court":I’ve done all I can; now the ball is in your court.After sending the proposal, the ball is in their court.She apologized, so now the ball is in his court to forgive her.We mad..
[영어 관용표현] At the eleventh hour At the eleventh hour  "At the eleventh hour" is an idiom that means at the last possible moment or just before it's too late.  Here are 10 example sentences using "at the eleventh hour":He finished his assignment at the eleventh hour.They signed the contract at the eleventh hour.She submitted her application at the eleventh hour.The deal was saved at the eleventh hour.He changed his mind at the ..
[영어 관용표현] USE YOUR LOAF USE YOUR LOAF  "Use your loaf" is an idiom that means to use your brain or think carefully. It originates from Cockney rhyming slang where "loaf of bread" rhymes with "head."  Here are 10 example sentences using "use your loaf":If you want to solve this puzzle, you'll need to use your loaf.Come on, use your loaf and figure out the answer.You should use your loaf before making such a big decision..
[영어 관용표현] OUT FOR THE COUNT OUT FOR THE COUNT  "Out for the count" is an idiom that means someone is very tired or asleep, often deeply and not likely to wake up soon. It can also mean someone is unconscious, especially after being hit.  Here are 10 example sentences using "be out for the count":After the long hike, he was out for the count as soon as he lay down.She worked all night and now she's out for the count on the ..
[영어 관용표현] GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE   "The grass is always greener on the other side" is an idiom that means people often think other people's situations are better than their own, even when this is not true.  Here are 10 example sentences using "the grass is always greener on the other side":She thought moving to a big city would make her happier, but now she realizes the grass is always ..