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"Out for the count" is an idiom that means someone is very tired or asleep, often deeply and not likely to wake up soon. It can also mean someone is unconscious, especially after being hit.



Here are 10 example sentences using "be out for the count":

  1. After the long hike, he was out for the count as soon as he lay down.
  2. She worked all night and now she's out for the count on the couch.
  3. The baby is finally out for the count after crying for hours.
  4. He took a strong painkiller and was out for the count within minutes.
  5. They were out for the count after the exhausting trip.
  6. After his workout, he was so tired that he was out for the count by 8 PM.
  7. She drank a lot at the party and was out for the count by the time she got home.
  8. The boxer was hit hard and was out for the count before he hit the ground.
  9. After studying all night for the exam, he was out for the count during the afternoon.
  10. The cat curled up in the sun and was out for the count in no time.