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[영어 관용표현] USE YOUR LOAF




"Use your loaf" is an idiom that means to use your brain or think carefully. It originates from Cockney rhyming slang where "loaf of bread" rhymes with "head."



Here are 10 example sentences using "use your loaf":

  1. If you want to solve this puzzle, you'll need to use your loaf.
  2. Come on, use your loaf and figure out the answer.
  3. You should use your loaf before making such a big decision.
  4. He didn't use his loaf and ended up getting lost.
  5. Use your loaf and remember to bring your keys next time.
  6. Instead of rushing, try to use your loaf and plan it out.
  7. She used her loaf and found a quicker way to finish the project.
  8. If you use your loaf, you'll see that it’s not that complicated.
  9. He didn't use his loaf and bought the wrong size.
  10. Use your loaf to come up with a creative solution.