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[영어 관용표현] HE IS MY ROCK HE IS MY ROCK  Meaning "He is my rock" is an idiomatic expression meaning that the person is a reliable source of support and stability. This phrase suggests that the person is someone you can depend on during difficult times, providing strength and reassurance.  Example sentences  During my illness, my husband was my rock, always there to support me.She always turns to her best friend for advic..
[영어 관용표현] DIFFERENT KETTLE OF FISH DIFFERENT KETTLE OF FISH  Meaning "A different kettle of fish" is an idiomatic expression meaning a situation or subject that is completely different from the one previously discussed or considered. It implies that the new situation requires a different approach or understanding.  Example sentences  I thought managing a small team would be easy, but handling a large department is a different ket..
[영어 관용표현] PLAY WITH FIRE PLAY WITH FIRE  Meaning "Play with fire" is an idiomatic expression meaning to engage in a risky or dangerous activity that could lead to harm or trouble. It suggests that someone is taking unnecessary risks or behaving recklessly.  Example sentences  If you keep lying to your boss, you're playing with fire and could get fired.Texting while driving is like playing with fire; it's extremely dange..
[영어 관용표현] TO HAVE A SWEET TOOTH TO HAVE A SWEET TOOTH  Meaning "To have a sweet tooth" is an idiomatic expression that means to have a strong liking or craving for sweet foods, such as candies, chocolates, cakes, and desserts.  Example sentences  She always orders dessert because she has a sweet tooth.My grandfather has a sweet tooth and loves to eat ice cream every night.If you have a sweet tooth, you'll love this chocolate f..
[영어 관용표현] FUZZ FUZZ  Meaning The word "fuzz" has several meanings depending on the context, but it commonly refers to a light, soft, or fluffy material or surface, such as the fine hair on certain fruits, fabric, or even mold. It can also refer to the police, typically in a slang or informal context.  Example sentences  I noticed a layer of fuzz on my sweater after washing it.The peach had a soft fuzz on its s..
[영어 관용표현] POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK  Meaning "Pot calling the kettle black" is an idiomatic expression used to describe a situation where someone criticizes another person for a fault that they themselves possess. It highlights the hypocrisy of the criticizer.  Example sentences  When he called her disorganized, it was a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black since his desk was always a mess...
[영어 관용표현] SLEEP ON IT SLEEP ON IT  Meaning "Sleep on it" is an idiom that advises someone to wait until the next day before making a decision or taking action. It implies that taking time to think things over and rest can lead to clearer judgment or perspective.  Example sentences  I'm not sure about accepting the job offer right away; I think I'll sleep on it.Before making any major purchase, it's always a good idea..
[영어 관용표현] HOT POTATO HOT POTATO  Meaning "Hot potato" is an idiomatic expression that refers to a controversial or sensitive issue, often one that is difficult to handle or resolve. It can also describe a situation or topic that is constantly changing or rapidly moving from person to person.  Example sentences  The topic of gun control is a political hot potato that politicians often avoid discussing.The issue of cl..
[영어 관용표현] RULE OF THUMB RULE OF THUMB  Meaning "Rule of thumb" is an idiomatic expression that refers to a practical principle or guideline based on experience or common sense, rather than strict rules or scientific precision. It's a general rule that is easy to remember and apply in various situations.  Example sentences  A good rule of thumb for investing is to diversify your portfolio.As a rule of thumb, it's best t..
[영어 관용표현] DOWN IN THE DUMPS DOWN IN THE DUMPS  Meaning "Down in the dumps" is an idiomatic expression that means feeling sad, depressed, or gloomy.  Example sentences  Ever since she lost her job, she's been down in the dumps.He's been down in the dumps ever since his pet dog passed away.After failing the exam, she was down in the dumps for days.He seemed down in the dumps after his team lost the championship game.She's be..