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[영어 관용표현] HOT POTATO






"Hot potato" is an idiomatic expression that refers to a controversial or sensitive issue, often one that is difficult to handle or resolve. It can also describe a situation or topic that is constantly changing or rapidly moving from person to person.



Example sentences



  • The topic of gun control is a political hot potato that politicians often avoid discussing.
  • The issue of climate change has become a hot potato in recent years, with strong opinions on both sides.
  • The company's financial troubles became a hot potato that nobody wanted to address.
  • The scandal involving the politician has become a hot potato for the party to deal with.
  • The question of who will inherit the family business has become a hot potato among the siblings.
  • The decision to close the local school has become a hot potato for the school board to handle.
  • The debate over healthcare reform has been a hot potato in the legislature for years.
  • The issue of immigration has become a hot potato for policymakers, with no easy solutions.
  • The proposal to raise taxes has become a hot potato for the government to tackle.
  • The question of whether to legalize marijuana has become a hot potato for lawmakers across the country.