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[영어 관용표현] SLEEP ON IT






"Sleep on it" is an idiom that advises someone to wait until the next day before making a decision or taking action. It implies that taking time to think things over and rest can lead to clearer judgment or perspective.



Example sentences



  • I'm not sure about accepting the job offer right away; I think I'll sleep on it.
  • Before making any major purchase, it's always a good idea to sleep on it.
  • Let's not rush into signing the contract; why don't we sleep on it and discuss it tomorrow?
  • She couldn't decide between the two options, so her friend advised her to sleep on it.
  • When faced with a difficult decision, it's often helpful to sleep on it.
  • Instead of reacting impulsively, he decided to sleep on it and see how he felt in the morning.
  • I'm feeling overwhelmed right now; I need to sleep on it before I can decide what to do.
  • He wasn't sure whether to confront his friend about the issue, so he decided to sleep on it.
  • The project proposal seems promising, but I want to sleep on it before committing to it.
  • After a long day of arguments, they agreed to sleep on it and discuss things calmly in the morning.