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[영어 관용표현] PLAY WITH FIRE






"Play with fire" is an idiomatic expression meaning to engage in a risky or dangerous activity that could lead to harm or trouble. It suggests that someone is taking unnecessary risks or behaving recklessly.



Example sentences



  • If you keep lying to your boss, you're playing with fire and could get fired.
  • Texting while driving is like playing with fire; it's extremely dangerous.
  • Investing all your savings in a single stock is playing with fire.
  • He's playing with fire by getting involved with those shady characters.
  • Ignoring the safety regulations at work is playing with fire.
  • She knew she was playing with fire when she started dating her best friend's ex.
  • Skipping classes every week is playing with fire; you might fail the course.
  • He's playing with fire by using unapproved software on his company laptop.
  • You’re playing with fire if you think you can cheat on the test and not get caught.
  • Letting your children wander around the busy street is playing with fire.