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[영어 관용표현] HE IS MY ROCK






"He is my rock" is an idiomatic expression meaning that the person is a reliable source of support and stability. This phrase suggests that the person is someone you can depend on during difficult times, providing strength and reassurance.



Example sentences



  • During my illness, my husband was my rock, always there to support me.
  • She always turns to her best friend for advice because he is her rock.
  • In times of trouble, my dad is my rock; I can always count on him.
  • Through all the ups and downs, my sister has been my rock.
  • After losing her job, her partner became her rock, helping her stay positive.
  • Even in the worst moments, my mom is my rock, offering guidance and love.
  • He's my rock, the one person who never judges me and always listens.
  • Through the stress of planning the wedding, my fiancé was my rock.
  • My mentor is my rock, always giving me the confidence to pursue my goals.
  • During the challenging project, my colleague was my rock, helping me stay focused.