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[영어 관용표현] LOVE ME, LOVE MY DOG




The phrase "Love me, love my dog" means that if you care about me, you should also care about the things and people that are important to me. It implies accepting a person completely, including their attachments and interests.



Here are 10 example sentences using this phrase:

  1. If you want to be with me, you have to accept my hobbies. Love me, love my dog.
  2. She told her boyfriend, "Love me, love my dog," when he complained about her pet.
  3. If you're going to marry him, remember: love me, love my dog.
  4. He said, "Love me, love my dog," when his friends teased him about his quirky habits.
  5. They have a strong relationship because they believe in "love me, love my dog."
  6. My family follows the rule: love me, love my dog, especially when it comes to our traditions.
  7. She understood the saying "love me, love my dog" and accepted his unusual collection.
  8. He realized "love me, love my dog" when he had to support her career decisions.
  9. In our friendship, it's always been "love me, love my dog" when it comes to our differences.
  10. When he moved in, she reminded him, "love me, love my dog," about her many plants.